A campaign that debunks some of the common conspiracy theories relating to the COVID-19 pandemic

Some pretty (rough) concepts to drive home the 'Stay at home' UK Government and NHS message.

This was posted to LinkedIn.
I thought it could have worked far harder with a simple gif and changing the name from 'sandals' to 'sliders'.

15 minutes later, this was the result.
No need for branding either as it was posted to their owned channels

We all have to stay at home and only go out for essential items.
In Tesco the other day I witnessed the true 'blitz spirit' amongst the over 70s. Unfortunately, they were all way to close whilst checking on each other's wellbeing.
The 'Boomer' Brits have an idiosyncratic way of creating personal personas for their favourite radio play characters. And no more so than 'The Archers'. Broadcast since 1951, having aired over 19,100 episodes, it is the world's longest-running drama.
By publicly unmasking the characters, this campaign seeks to drive faithful listeners home and clear the streets of our worthy OAPs.

Fictitious recipe book 'Lockdown Leftovers' having some fun with the copy and the fact that everyone has to cook at home!

Answering the call to a worthy FaceBook group who have been helping the homeless and those in need during the pandemic and especially lockdown. The big yellow dot is Reachout Birmingham, and the little black dots are the people they help/support.